Discover Hope:
Your Path to Healing with Agno Health's Depression Counseling


Welcome to Agno Health's Depression Counseling Program. If you're visiting this page, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, grief, or emptiness that overshadow various aspects of your life. But remember, you're not alone. At Agno Health, we understand the challenges of living with depression, and we're here to offer you support, guidance, and hope. Our Depression Counseling services are tailored to help you navigate through the darkness and find your way back to a place of peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Meet Our Mental Health Professionals: Depression Counselor

Allow us to introduce you to one of our compassionate and experienced Depression Counselors, Heather Case. With years of expertise in treating depression and depressive disorders, and a genuine commitment to helping individuals like you, Heather is dedicated to providing you with personalized care and support. Heather specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy, among other approaches, aimed at identifying and modifying negative thought patterns and emotions. Whether you’re struggling with feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, or difficulty concentrating, Heather is here to listen, understand, and guide you on your journey toward healing.

Understanding Major Depressive Disorder

Depression goes beyond just feeling sad or down. It’s a complex mental health condition that can impact every facet of your life, affecting your mood, thoughts, behavior, and physical health. Major depressive disorder, a specific diagnosis of depression, may occur as a single episode or episodically throughout one's life. Symptoms of depression include persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness, loss of interest in activities, changes in behavior patterns or in appetite or sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. A major depressive episode describes severe symptoms of depression, such as thoughts of suicide, highlighting the intensity of such episodes. It’s essential to recognize that depression, including major depressive disorder, is a real and valid condition that deserves attention and treatment.

The Importance of Early Intervention: Why Seeking Help for Depression Sooner Matters

Seeking help for depression sooner rather than later can make a big difference in how you feel and how quickly you recover. When you reach out for support early on, especially from mental health professionals, you give yourself the best chance of getting back to feeling like yourself again. Mental health professionals are trained to offer therapy, support, and treatment that can significantly manage and decrease symptoms of depression, ensuring the best possible outcome. Here are some reasons why seeking help developing depression early is so important:

  1. Faster Recovery: By addressing depression early, you can start feeling better sooner. Therapy and other treatments can help you learn coping skills and strategies to manage your symptoms, leading to a quicker recovery process.

  2. Improved Treatment Outcomes: Getting help early can lead to better outcomes in the long run. When you address depression early, you may respond better to treatment and experience fewer complications along the way.

  3. Reduced Risk of Complications: Untreated depression can lead to other health problems and challenges in your life. By seeking help early, you can reduce the risk of complications like relationship difficulties, job loss, and even physical health issues.

  4. Increased Support: Seeking help early means you can start building a support network sooner. Therapists, support groups, and loved ones can all provide the encouragement and assistance you need to navigate through difficult times.

  5. Better Quality of Life: Addressing depression early can help you get back to enjoying the things you love and living life to the fullest. With the right support and treatment, you can reclaim your sense of joy, purpose, and well-being.

Remember, it’s never too early to reach out for help. If you’re struggling with depression or any other mental health concerns or challenges, don’t hesitate to seek support from a trusted professional or loved one. You deserve to feel better, and help is available to guide you on your journey toward healing.

Comprehensive Assessment Process

When you reach out to Agno Health for depression counseling, our first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand your unique experiences, challenges, and goals. During this process your dedicated therapist will take the time to listen to your concerns, explore your symptoms, and gain insight into the factors contributing to your depression. This thorough evaluation allows us to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and preferences.

Personalized Treatment Plans Can Include Antidepressant Medication

At Agno Health, we believe in the power of personalized care. That’s why your dedicated counselor will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs, goals, and strengths. Our approach to depression counseling is rooted in evidence-based therapies such as cognitive and dialectic behavioral therapy (CBT and DBT), reframing negative thoughts, and positive behavioral activation. These therapies focus on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns and cognitive distortions, exploring the impact of relationships on your mood and well-being, and employing psychological therapy techniques to address depression comprehensively. By tailoring our approach to depression therapy to your unique circumstances, we can help you develop coping skills, build resilience, and regain control over your life.

With Agno Health’s “Care Team” approach, your condition will also be monitored by a board-certified Psychiatrist and Medical Provider, so if anti-depressant medications are assessed to be helpful, our team can handle your prescriptions and refills, as well as lab test monitoring, until they are no longer necessary.

Evidence-Based Techniques

Our Depression Counselor utilizes a variety of results-oriented behavioral therapy techniques to help you manage your depression symptoms and improve your overall well-being. These may include cognitive restructuring, which involves challenging and reframing negative thoughts, behavioral activation, which focuses on increasing engagement in pleasurable activities, relaxation techniques, which promote a sense of calm and relaxation, cognitive and dialectic behavioral therapy (CBT and DBT). Agno Health’s special program also includes “problem solving” therapy which may include helping you find additional community resources, involving family or friends, carefully trying medication, or other therapies that prove particularly effective in treating depression. Through these therapeutic interventions, your dedicated Agno Health counselor will empower you to develop coping strategies, build resilience, and navigate through the challenges of depression with confidence and strength.

Virtual Counseling Sessions

In today's fast-paced world, accessing mental health care has never been easier. That's why Agno Health offers virtual counseling sessions for individuals seeking help for depression from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Through secure call, chat, and video conferencing platforms, you can connect with your Agno counselor and receive the support, guidance, and acute or chronic treatment that you need, no matter where you are. Virtual counseling sessions are a convenient and accessible option for individuals with busy schedules, limited mobility, or concerns about privacy.

Support for Co-Occurring Conditions

Many individuals with mild, moderate, or severe depression, also struggle with co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, substance use, or trauma-related disorders. Mental health challenges also often accompany physical health challenges, which is why our Care Team approach is so valuable, because our medical providers are always engaged in your care alongside our depression counselors, to treat all inter-related aspects of your mind and body.

At Agno Health, we take a holistic approach to treatment, addressing all aspects of your mental health and well-being. Your dedicated Agno counselor will work collaboratively with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both your depression and any co-occurring mental or physical conditions you may be experiencing. By addressing all aspects of your health, including the use of medication like SSRIs when appropriate, and emphasizing the importance of building coping skills through behavioral therapy, we can help you achieve lasting recovery and regain a sense of balance and vitality in your life.

Building Coping Skills

Coping with depression can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Your dedicated Agno Health counselor will work with you to develop effective coping skills to effectively manage your depressive symptoms, reduce stress, and improve your overall quality of life. These may include thought reframing techniques that combat negative distortions in your mind, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga, and self-care strategies such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. By building your motivation and ability to incorporate these coping skills into your daily routine, you can enhance your resilience, reduce your symptoms, and improve your ability to cope with the challenges of depression.

Progress Monitoring and Adjustment

Throughout your program, your Agno Health counselor will monitor your progress through weekly (or daily!) check-ins and monthly diagnostic questionnaires, to adjust your treatment plan as needed to ensure that you’re achieving your goals as efficiently as possible. Agno’s unique program emphasizes brief but frequent therapy sessions to discuss your feelings and work on new coping skills and experiences. Your counselor will use your feedback from each of these frequent interactions to tailor the approach to your specific needs. Depression is a complex and multifaceted condition, and what works for one person may not work for another. By regularly evaluating your progress in phone or video therapy sessions and adapting our approach accordingly, we can tailor your treatment plan to your evolving needs and preferences, maximizing your chances of success and long-term recovery. This dynamic process often involves a combination of medication, therapy, and complementary remedies, depending on the severity of mood disorder and your symptoms.

Contact Information  

Ready to take the first step toward overcoming depression and reclaiming your life? Contact Agno Health today to schedule an appointment. Our friendly and compassionate staff are here to support you every step of the way. Don't let depression hold you back from living the life you deserve – reach out for help today, and let us help you find your way back to hope, healing, and happiness.



When should I seek help for depression?

  • It’s essential to seek help for depression as soon as you notice symptoms impacting your daily life. If you’re experiencing persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, reaching out to a mental health professional for support is crucial. You may also notice physical symptoms like extra fatigue or insomnia, unexpected weight loss or weight gain… listen to your body and ask for an assessment if you aren’t feeling like your usual self. Early intervention can significantly improve your quality of life.

  • If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for free, confidential support 24/7/365. 

What can I expect during a depression counseling session?

  • During Agno’s depression counseling sessions, which typically occur every 1-2 weeks, you can expect to work collaboratively with a dedicated therapist to explore your thoughts, feelings, and current situation. Your therapist will provide a supportive and nonjudgmental space for you to express yourself and develop coping strategies to manage your symptoms. The primary goal is to treat depression by identifying its causes and working through them using various therapeutic techniques that will make you feel better as quickly as possible. And between live sessions, you will likely be texting with your counselor for questions or updates on progress, to stay motivated.

How long does depression counseling typically last?

  • The duration of depression counseling can vary depending on individual needs and treatment goals, however most Agno patients feel confident to “graduate” from our program within 3-9 months. Some individuals may benefit from shorter-term counseling focused on specific issues with fast results, while others, especially those dealing with more chronic depression, may require more intensive or longer-term therapy with medication to address underlying issues and maintain progress over time.

What role does antidepressant medication play in treating depression?

  • Antidepressant medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be an effective part of a comprehensive treatment plan for depression, especially when used alongside behavioral therapies. These medications can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life, however, they may also have side effects, making it crucial to manage carefully with the supervision of Agno Health’s Psychiatrist and Medical Provider. The Agno Care Team can help you analyze all your medication options, and also come off of them as soon as it makes sense.

What if I’m not comfortable with traditional in-person counseling?

  • Agno Health offers virtual counseling sessions for individuals who prefer the convenience and privacy of online therapy. Virtual sessions allow you to connect with a therapist from the comfort of your own home using any communication method you prefer among secure video conferencing technology, phone calls, and text messaging.

Is depression counseling covered by insurance?

  • Most insurance plans provide good coverage for mental health services, including depression counseling. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance provider to determine your specific coverage and any out-of-pocket costs associated with counseling services. You can contact the Agno Health team for help in understanding your insurance plan, or to discuss cash payment options.