Embrace Wellness: Transformational Journey with an Agno Anxiety Therapist


Welcome to Agno Health's Anxiety Therapy Program. Here, we understand the challenges that come with anxiety, and our experienced anxiety therapists are here to offer support and guidance. With our compassionate approach and evidence-based therapies, we're dedicated to helping you overcome anxiety and regain control of your life.

Our experienced and caring Anxiety Therapists have decades of expertise in treating anxiety disorders. We are committed to providing personalized care tailored to your unique needs, whether you're struggling with panic attacks, social anxiety, excessive stress, insomnia, or generalized anxiety disorder, our therapists are here to help you find relief and peace of mind.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders can be debilitating, affecting every aspect of your life. Anxiety disorders differ considerably, highlighting the need for therapy that is tailored to the specific symptoms and diagnosis of each disorder. It’s important to recognize the signs and symptoms of anxiety, including excessive worry, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating. Our Anxiety Therapists specialize in treating various anxiety disorders, helping you understand your condition and develop strategies for managing it effectively.

Navigating Life with Anxiety: Understanding and Treating Anxiety Disorders

When anxiety tightens its grip, its effects can ripple through every facet of our daily lives, influencing how we navigate work, relationships, social interactions, and even our physical well-being.

At work, anxiety can make even the simplest tasks feel like climbing mountains. It may cloud our minds, making decisions feel impossible and deadlines seem like looming threats. This constant sense of pressure can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, impacting not just our job performance but also our sense of accomplishment and self-esteem.

In our relationships, anxiety can create barriers where there once were bridges. It can lead to misunderstandings, arguments, and feelings of distance from those we care about. The fear and worry that accompany anxiety may cause us to withdraw or lash out, leaving us feeling isolated and alone, even in the presence of loved ones.

Social activities, once sources of joy and connection, may become sources of anxiety and dread. The fear of judgment or embarrassment may keep us from engaging in the things we once enjoyed, robbing us of the chance to connect with others and find moments of respite from our worries.

And let's not forget about the toll mental anxiety takes on our physical health. It can show up as headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and stomach troubles, leaving us feeling drained and unwell. The constant stress response triggered by anxiety can weaken our immune systems, leaving us vulnerable to illness and making it even harder to cope with life's challenges.

Recognizing the deep impact anxiety has on our daily lives is the first step toward seeking help and support. By acknowledging our struggles and reaching out for assistance, we can begin to reclaim control over our lives and work toward a brighter, more balanced future. With the guidance of a compassionate therapist, the support of loved ones other mental health professionals, and a commitment to self-care, we can navigate the ups and downs of anxiety with grace and resilience, finding moments of peace and joy along the way.

Comprehensive Assessment and Personalized Treatment Plans

When you reach out for anxiety therapy at Agno Health, our first step is to introduce you to a mental health professional dedicated to your care, who will conduct a comprehensive assessment. During this process, she will take the time to listen to your concerns, understand and score your symptoms, and identify potential triggers. This thorough evaluation allows us to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, as well as a system to monitor progress toward your goals.

At Agno Health, we believe in personalized care. That's why your dedicated Anxiety Therapist works closely with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your unique challenges.

Evidence-Based Therapy Techniques: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Our Anxiety Therapist utilizes proven, results-oriented therapy techniques to help you manage your anxiety symptoms. From cognitive and dialectic behavioral therapy (CBT and DBT) to problem solving therapy to thought reframing to behavioral activation like mindfulness and relaxation exercises, we offer a variety of proven strategies to help you cope with anxiety and regain control of your life. Another technique which might apply is exposure therapy which gradually and thoughtfully exposes you to anxiety-provoking situations, in a way which builds confidence in managing these sorts of situations without so much stress in the future. With your experienced therapist’s guidance, you’ll learn valuable skills for managing anxiety, challenging negative thoughts, and overcoming fears.

Virtual Therapy Sessions

In today's digital age, accessing mental health care has never been easier. That's why Agno Health offers virtual therapy sessions for individuals seeking anxiety therapy from the comfort of their own homes. Through secure call, chat, and video conferencing platforms, you can connect with your Agno counselor and receive the support, guidance, and acute or chronic treatment that you need, no matter where you are. Virtual counseling sessions are a convenient and accessible option for individuals with busy schedules, limited mobility, or concerns about privacy.

Support for Co-Occurring Conditions

Many individuals with mild, moderate, or severe anxiety, also struggle with co-occurring mental health conditions such as depression, substance abuse, panic or trauma-related disorders. Mental health challenges also often accompany physical health challenges, which is why our Care Team approach is so valuable, because our medical providers are always engaged in your care alongside our depression counselors, to treat all inter-related aspects of your mind and body.

At Agno Health, we take a holistic approach to treatment, addressing all aspects of your mental health and well-being. Your dedicated Agno counselor will work collaboratively with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses both your anxiety and any co-occurring mental or physical conditions you may be experiencing. By addressing all aspects of your health, including the use of medication like SSRIs when appropriate, and emphasizing the importance of building coping skills through behavioral therapy, we can help you achieve lasting recovery and regain a sense of balance and vitality in your life.

Building Coping Skills

Coping with anxiety can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Our Anxiety Therapist will work with you to develop effective coping skills to manage your symptoms and prevent relapse. From stress management techniques to relaxation exercises, we'll provide you with practical strategies for coping with anxiety in your daily life. With our therapist's guidance, you'll build the resilience you need to face life's challenges with confidence.

Progress Monitoring and Adjustment

Throughout your therapy journey, our Anxiety Therapist will monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed. We understand that recovery from anxiety is a journey, and we're committed to supporting you every step of the way. Whether you're making progress or facing setbacks, our therapist will be there to offer motivation, guidance, and reassurance.

Contact Information 

Ready to take the first step towards overcoming your anxiety? Schedule an appointment with your Agno mental health specialist today. Our friendly and compassionate staff are here to support you every step of the way. Don't let anxiety hold you back – let us help you find the calm and confidence you deserve.



How do I know if I need to see an Anxiety Therapist?

  • If you’re experiencing persistent feelings of worry, fear, stress, or unease that interfere with your daily life, it may be beneficial to seek support from a mental health professional specializing in Anxiety therapies. Common symptoms of anxiety include racing thoughts, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, rapid heartbeat or sweating. Agno’s mental health professionals can diagnose, counsel, and offer a variety of therapy modalities for individuals with anxiety disorders.

What can I expect during my first session with the Anxiety Therapist?

  • During your initial session, your dedicated Anxiety Therapist will conduct an assessment to understand your symptoms, concerns, and goals. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your experiences with anxiety and collaboratively develop a treatment plan that addresses your needs.

What types of therapy techniques does the Anxiety Therapist use?

  • Our Anxiety Therapist utilizes a variety of evidence-based therapy techniques, including cognitive and dialectic behavioral therapy (CBT and DBT), thought reframing techniques that combat negative distortions in your mind, relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga, and self-care strategies such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep. These methods are tailored to your individual needs and may evolve throughout the course of therapy. By building your motivation and ability to incorporate these coping skills into your daily routine, you can enhance your resilience, reduce your symptoms, and improve your ability to cope with the challenges of anxiety.

How long will it take to see results from anxiety therapy?

  • The timeline for seeing results from anxiety therapy varies depending on individual factors such as the severity of symptoms and your commitment to the therapeutic process, however most Agno patients feel confident to “graduate” from our program within 3-9 months. Some individuals may benefit from shorter-term counseling focused on specific issues with fast results, while others, especially those dealing with more severe or chronic anxiety, may require more intensive or longer-term therapy with medication to address underlying issues and maintain progress over time.

Is anxiety therapy covered by insurance?

  • Most insurance plans provide good coverage for mental health services, including anxiety therapy. It’s a good idea to check with your insurance provider to determine your specific coverage and any out-of-pocket costs associated with counseling services. You can contact the Agno Health team for help in understanding your insurance plan, or to discuss cash payment options.

Can I receive anxiety therapy remotely?

  • Yes, Agno’s Anxiety Therapist offers virtual therapy sessions via secure video conferencing, phone and text platforms. This allows you to access therapy from the comfort and privacy of your home or office (or car or wherever!), making it convenient and accessible for individuals with busy schedules or limited mobility.

How often will I need to attend therapy sessions?

  • The frequency of therapy sessions depends on your individual needs and treatment plan. For the first few months, sessions may be scheduled weekly or biweekly to establish rapport and work on developing coping skills. As you progress, session frequency may decrease to once per month or as needed. And between live sessions, you will likely be texting with your counselor for questions or updates on progress, to stay motivated.

  • With each of our frequent but brief interactions, your therapist will provide a supportive and nonjudgmental space for you to express yourself and develop coping strategies to manage your symptoms. The primary goal is to treat your anxiety by identifying its causes and working through them using various therapeutic techniques that will make you feel better as quickly as possible.

What should I do if I experience a crisis or emergency between therapy sessions?

  • If you experience a crisis or emergency between therapy sessions, it’s important to seek immediate support. You can contact emergency services, reach out to a trusted friend or family member, or utilize crisis hotlines or text services for immediate assistance.

  • If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988 for free, confidential support 24/7/365. 

Is anxiety therapy suitable for children and adolescents?

  • Yes, individuals over the age of 11 can typically benefit from anxiety therapy, with techniques adapted to meet the unique developmental needs of younger patients. However at the moment, Agno Health focuses on adult patients 18 years and older.

How can I schedule an appointment with the Anxiety Therapist?

  • To schedule an appointment with our Anxiety Therapist, simply book online or contact our office by phone or email. Our friendly staff will assist you in scheduling a convenient time for your initial assessment and guide you through the intake process.

Can Agno Health prescribe medications to help with my anxiety?

  • Anti-anxiety medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can be an effective part of a comprehensive treatment plan for severe anxiety, especially when used alongside behavioral therapies. These medications can help manage symptoms and improve quality of life, however, they may also have side effects, making it crucial to manage carefully with the supervision of Agno Health’s Psychiatrist and Medical Provider. The Agno Care Team can help you analyze all your medication options, and also come off of them as soon as it makes sense.